Print. Video. Writing.

Seriously Sarah has serious fun.
This is what she's up to
She volunteers as a municipal liaison for NaNoWriMo in Singapore and tend to be at various writer events. You might find her a pop culture events such as Singapore Toys, Games, Comic Convention or even Comic Fiesta in Malaysia. With her pop culture "credentials", she is invited to moderate or talk in panels at the events. Check out her blog to see what she is up to currently.
I'm here to assist you
in your print, social
or multimedia projects.
Sarah is an associate producer, assisting in drama series, producing interstitials and commercials for either broadcast or social media. She can also edit, write or take to the camera to provide footage depending on the project. As a writer, she have also done scripts for short web comics, radio commercials and movie reviews. As a creative herself, she knows how what sort of print layouts you might need for your own books, papers or newsletters with your own budget in mind.

Writing books?
Making a video?
Need some creative content?
If you need that touch to make your content look from 'generic' to professional, you are at the right place. From print layouts to epubs, your novel, newsletters or academic papers will look sleek. Have a video you need to producing, social media help for your company or even a tester for your games? Advice is free so don't worry when contacting Sarah to ask for more information.
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Design direction for business.
Get your business on the next level.
We help to create great experiences.
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Professional content creation.
Get your business on the next level.
Get epic content for your business.
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Professional consumer research.
Get your business on the next level.
Learn more about your customers.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eum id tritani eleifend, usu ut tota facete. Mel ne nisl sumo, eu eum nemore sententiae elaboraret. An mei civibus platonem, brute repudiandae ne sed. Vidisse explicari in duo, probatus scriptorem cum ea. Eam id nominavi deleniti periculis. Mea at semper appetere voluptaria, at latine luptatum consulatu est, te deserunt referrentur per.
My updated resume is on Linkedin and I am also contactable there. Click here to connect with me:
Email: sarah(at)seriouslysarah.com
I will take at least 3 working days at maximum to get back and reply to you. Advice or consultation on any possible projects are free. You may also ask about any quotations should you need an idea for your budgeting.