Wand tutorial up under the Misc. section. Still need to upload the other tutorials. Heh.
Month: October 2007
Updated misc section!
Yep, it’s up. Just need to get the pages up under misc but it’s pretty much there.
Okay, the blog is fixed, finally found a theme that’s suitable. However, I wonder if I should leave it blue or change the blue to my black and grey thingy at the main site.
The blue looks nice though. Maybe I’ll let it be there.
Still Under Construction!
Ugh, got to figure out some more codes to make this blog pretty.
Meanwhile, I’m still updating the pages on the main website at Seriously Sarah.
Oh well! Much work to do still.
EDIT: URGH, error on comments. Will have to find out why.
EDIT2: Fixed! Date and archive posting format to default to counter weirdness.