Call for submissions!

I got this email from Wena Poon so you guys, if you have the time or want to write it, go contact her with your submission! Copy pasting the email now!

August 2008
San Francisco, California

Singaporeans Write About American Movies

Edited and published by Wena Poon

A book of writing by Singaporeans (famous and not-so-famous) about their experience of American cinema.

As our nation grows of age, we look back at how American imported entertainment has shaped our consciousness throughout the years.

There will be at least 20 pieces in the book, each entitled the name of the film it is about, such as “Star Wars”, “Taxi Driver”, “The Dark Knight”, “Casablanca” and so on.

Although the format is fluid, for consistency the theme has to be American films (any era).

Contributors will be asked to write about the film that changed their life, or a film that is of special significance to them, or to remember the first movie they have ever watched as a child.

The pieces should be personal, fun, casual, sincere, nostalgic, and if possible humorous. Hardcore film criticism is not what is intended. The pieces can be essays, poems, or fiction, of various lengths: micro-length (just a snapshot, or 50 words, etc.) or traditional length (1000-2000 words). No haikus please (too short). Feel free to experiment with form as long as substance is good and keeps to theme!

No photos or artwork, sorry (too expensive to publish). However, if someone wants to submit an original cover design and be credited for it, please email me and I will specify the JPEG to submit it in.

Student writing encouraged, as are submissions from seasoned Singapore writers.

I would also like to get some quotes from Singaporean celebrities or politicians as to what is their favorite film, to throw in. If you know them, please say so and please ask them and get this short piece of information (you will be credited accordingly). All they need to tell you is the name of the film. They do not need to elaborate.


Please email your completed piece of writing to:

Wena Poon

Include your full name. For copyright reasons, all submissions must be never-before-published. You keep the copyright to your own work.


November 1, 2008.


The published book is a high quality trade paperback, printed using BookSurge’s print on demand technology. It will be available on As I am funding the publication out of my own pocket, contributors will be paid by getting 1 free copy of the book (which I pay for myself as a gift to you); no cash compensation will be provided now or thereafter.

Have fun!

Please email this on to your friends. Email me (note: Email Wena. Not me, Sarah here, since this is copy and paste) with any questions.

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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