Biophilia by Wena Poon

Note from me since if you don’t click on the more button, this is a message to you readers:


Now back to your regular scheduled programmes…

Firstly, I wanted to review this on Amazon but stupid thing is that it won’t let me since I haven’t bought anything from Amazon and thus I couldn’t review this book there. Meh. It liiiiies, I’ve bought stuff from Amazon before! Okay, fiiine. I bought it under my friend’s account since we did a bulk order instead… BUT NO MATTER! I shall review this book here for now.

Secondly, I got this book WEEKS ago but had homework and other sorts of events that I had to stop reading it halfway and do them first.

Anywho, I got a package from the writer!

biophilia package

And then I turned to the back to open it.

biophilia package2

Indeed, I would! Books can be lots of fun to read and all.

However, when I opened it, I expected just a book but spent some time laughing in my head (for it wouldn’t do to laugh aloud for minutes) when I saw what she placed inside besides the book.

biophilia package3

I have no idea where I am going to put those stickers but I TOTALLY love them. I guess what got me laughing like a loon was that it wasn’t just “I hate Bush”, no it had to say “I so totally hate Bush”. That makes mucho a difference to me. Heh and the whole lose weight gain adventure is SUCH an awesome tagline.

Enough about the package, let’s get on with the book!

Let me just copy paste the blurb for you guys to read first.

It is 2015. America is fighting two long and boring wars, its troops spread thin across the world. Terrorists have bombed several city blocks in lower Manhattan. The environment is kaput. Everybody hates the government. Worse, Americans have officially run out of gas. This would all have been a terrible bother for car fanatic Imogen Parks, if it hadn’t been for Planet Nagy. Thrown through a wormhole onto another planet by a freak terrorist attack, Imogen discovers a world with illimitable energy sources, superb space ships designed by Alien Squids, and – best of all – Talking Animals who need her help.

When I read the blurb, I was like “TALKING ANIMALS? I can’t go wrong with reading this then!” and then I got the book and was all “Oh yes, this seems very likely” especially with all the stupid terrorists blowing themselves up and all that plus with the energy consumption problem. So the background of the whole place is pretty dismal… Kinda like now only, you know greyer somehow. Nonetheless, YES, I liked it.

We meet Imogen, the heroine! Sorta! Sorta because she’s kinda like us… If us was a person who wanted to be a writer and just write for a living while thinking that working for big companies are just rather draining and stuff… But hey, it’s just for the money…

You get the idea.

Unfortunately or rather fortunately, she doesn’t get to do much of working in those big company things when she is plunged into Planet Nagy (ha ha, I pun… read the book to see how I punned).

In any case, you’re gonna love Imogen cause she’s witty, sassy and sometimes you want to just raise an eyebrow at her or go “YES! YES!!! DO THAT BIYAAATCH!” at what she does on Planet Nagy in a world where she has to save talking animals from utter destruction!

Also, Turandot is definitely the themesong for this book.

For those who know their Greek mythology, you might notice some references in there, heh heh and other literary types too. Augh, AUGH, I wanna post just a tiny spoiler… But, tell you what, I’ll put it at the END of the post here instead of in the middle for those who don’t want to read them.

Just remember, Biophilia is like Narnia crossed with AWESOME zombie fighting and technology with sassiness and screaming in a world of the future of the current now if people keep being stupid and use up all our resources, continue to have wars and what not!


Check out the blog here:

And buy the book HERE!

The second book Cryptic Tonic has come out in March so I’ll be buying that and see what happens next! If some students or SOMEONE turned this into an independent movie, it would be just SO cool to watch.

And now for spoilers, look away, look away!


There was this part where Imogen brought Kai out from his office and into the tunnel along with Orpheus the wolf. It was this scene that the wolf kept telling her not to look back and I was like “OMGOMGOGMG, DO NOT LOOK BACK!” since she should NOT ever lose Kai by just turning back like the Greek myth. AND I was like, “No… no!! HE CAN’T DISAPPEAR” like when Imogen was being disappointed because he didn’t appear when they got through the other side… And then HE DID and I was like YAY!

Also, I imagine that Kai is hot.

Yes, yes he is.

~~~~END SPOILER~~~~~

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

3 thoughts on “Biophilia by Wena Poon”

  1. It’s not available at the local bookstores?! But.. But.. why?! I have Kino vouchers from last year’s NaNoWriMo (yes, i haven’t spend them coz i totally forgot I had them) to spend!

    Ah well, I guess I should go ahead and get it then, along with my DVDs too.

  2. Hiya fangirls. I would love for you guys all to read Biophilia and the second book, Cryptic Tonic. And I have lots of stickers to give out. Can you help me by letting me know:

    1. Check on – how much are they charging you for shipping and handling to Singapore? (I know the books themselves are USD$12.99 and USD$15, respectively).

    2. Report to me: the shipping and handling rate.

    3. If it’s too much, I’ll think of someway I can sell you the book directly, if you just mail me some Singapore dollars in the mail (just put cash in envelope lah, don’t worry). I’ll calculate if it’s cheaper for me to send you guys the stuff myself, and I’ll give you guys a discount off the Amazon price. Plus I’ll send you guys the stickers!

    So please tell your friends! Next time I come to Singapore I can also hold a little book club and we can do a reading!

    Also check out my other book blog, I’ve just been shortlisted for Singapore Literature Prize!

    Hope to hear from y’all soon and SO COOL that you (Sarah) like it. I’m already halfway through the third book! You can see the new cover on the Planet Nagy blog.

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