HSWG #2 recap – Jacaranda Press Literary Agency and Creative Industries Fair!

So! None of us went to the Young Writer’s seminar and went to HSWG instead (I wonder if anyone blogged about the seminar though!). In any case, bonus points for us having Priya from Jacaranda literary agency to have a little talk with us.

Basic info for those especially in SG. You can send your three chapters plus a synopsis of your novel to them via email. Submissions of manuscripts and it being read are for free just so you know. Literary agencies do all the work for books (well except writing it, they’ll help you get edited/published/promo/etc) and this is one agency you can submit to here.

You can check their website or send your FICTION manuscript for perusal to Priya Doraswamy at priya.doraswamy(at)jacaranda-press.com if anything, you can still check their website and email there. Mostly, they do work in India/China/etc so they’re rather quite “new” in Singapore.



27th Feb to 1st March at the Marina Square the Central Atrium from 10am till 10pm.

Pretty interesting! You can check out more info here on each day’s programme. I have… school but it ends at 6pm. I want to know more on the games though. Ugh, ugh. Their talk is at 6pm-7pm so I doubt I can get to listen in time. NONETHELESS, it doesn’t mean I can’t go check out their booths if so!