Game Narratives…

So I did this essay, for school and got back my grade for it just now. Since my friend wanted to read it and some others, I figured I’ll post it here since it does have to do with narration, design and etc. Oh yeah, it was a pretty good grade.

There is much room for improvement and the lecturer did give some feedback such as differentiating between ‘reward’ cut scenes and interactive movies since itcould warrant further discussion along with a more original intro and conclusion. Still… YAY!

GameNarratives (Click it to download)

Competition and application deadlines!

Just a list of the looming deadlines for this part of the year.

Short and Sweet (play competition) – Deadline: 31st March 2009

Commonwealth short story competition – Deadline: 11 May 2009

Mentor Access Project – Deadline: 15 May 2009

Golden Point Award (poetry/short story competition) – Deadline: 29 May 2009


Not a competition but if you want to get into the “marathon” of writing scripts:

Script Frenzy – 1st April till 30th April