Adelaide Review Short Fiction Competition


Another writing competition! Well, click read more for the other details.

Adelaide Review Annual Short Fiction Competition is now open for submissions.

“The Adelaide Review, in association with the Creative Writing Program, is proud to announce the first Annual Short Fiction Competition. This annual competition aims to encourage the art of short fiction writing, to set new standards in contemporary short fiction and to be one of Australia’s most prestigious writing awards. The competition features an international judging panel consisting of prize-winning Australian author and Chair of the Creative Writing Program, Brian Castro, Noel Laureate J.M. Coetzee and Jamaican poet and short story writer Oliver Senior.”

The Adelaide Review short fiction competition is open to writers from anywhere around the world, as long as the original text is written in English, has not previously been published and is a maximum of 2,500 words. The full conditions of entry are available through its website at

The rules and regulations.The deadline for entries is Friday, 10 July 2009.

Continue reading Adelaide Review Short Fiction Competition

Sims 3 launch!

It was yesterday on the 2nd June at the Iluma in Bugis (Singapore, if you’re not local reading this). And oh man was it insane. The invite said 2pm but it launched at 1pm since I think there were too many people and we were all gonna block the mall’s entrance or something if we waited another hour.

I arrived there at 11.30am.


This is the view from the top when people are moving.

Continue reading Sims 3 launch!