Commercial Break.

Hello fellow readers!

I’d probably have my Sarah Does Singapore post done up tonight so it’s scheduled to post itself on Monday but just a little notice as it will get slow for this week or so. I’ve actually got a draft of episode 2 for Versus Undead but it’s been stalling because of a certain factor that has been plaguing me since late last year!


With that said, it’s under general anesthesia and I’ll post on it under my Random Encounters section or SDS. I haven’t figured which cause it’s like an adventure.

A really hurty one.

Eh, I’ll figure out which since there’s people curious on how it’s like and all too. One of the main factors is that one must have cute underwear. NO ONE TOLD ME THIS, I HAD TO FIND OUT MYSELF.

Also, in lieu of flowers/hunks/bikini babes with buckets of ice cream/etc to comfort me, you can buy Happiness at the End of the World either at Orchard Kino or via the publisher and take a picture of you with the book! (Hint: Buying online is cheaper and you get it shipped to you too but you need paypal for it.)