SDS 2.16 – Falling for You

And we face the wall once more! The first time we came here was in season 1’s episode two in which we climbed the Via Ferrata! This time Border X at Orchard Central has abseiling available! If you topped up $10 more, you could have climbed the wall and abseiled down. However, we were there to just abseil since it wasn’t available when the place was just starting out.

Apparently, before I told that this was an actual rock wall and of my adventures there, other people thought it was some artistic sculpture that was like the ones hanging around the wall.


Well now you guys know it is a rock wall that you can climb on!

Continue reading SDS 2.16 – Falling for You

The line up!

Here’s the line up guys. (For the official poster of the event, click here.)

National Library, Multipurpose room (basement 1) at 6.30pm (till 8.30pm)

The theme: Superheroes (people are gonna dress to the theme so don’t get freaked out, you’re at the right place!)

Anyone can leave before 8.30pm but that’s the maximum time slot we can be there because the library would close soon after.

Who should come?

  • Nanowrimo-ers
  • Readers and writers
  • Comic fans and geeks

First we’ll have the Nanowrimo kick off! Things start at 6.30pm and all and it’ll lead on towards the mini launching of Bubble G.U.M (because some of us Nanowrimo-ers wrote it)! The book is just $15 just for the launch. You guys will want to buy it there because when it gets stocked at Kino or any other store, they’ll put GST and everything on it which could get the book priced above $19 or something. (We’ll have our previous publication Happiness at the End of the World there at $15 too.)

After the mini launch, we would end the main Nanowrimo events but stay to talk to each other and have our cake while we discuss on the evening’s theme of graphic novels and of speculative fiction in it! They’re related since graphic novels ARE a graphic form of speculative fiction. Batman, Superman, Powergirl and much more! If you’re there just for the discussion, come around 7.20pm! Our main programme isn’t going to be that long, the kick off is more for people to know each other and what they’re writing and reading anyway!

Continue reading The line up!

Time to get sticky

Hey guys! BUBBLE G.U.M IS OUT! Or rather, it’s printed and ready to be shipped by the distributors. HOWEVER, it will take time before the stores will receive it but I’m able to get copies from the publisher themselves. Ah! What’s BUBBLE G.U.M? If you read the last pages of Happiness at the End of the World, you’d be able to see a preview of it.

Here’s a brief description of what the story is though:

It’s 2045 and Prix Chan is beginning her National Service. Her father, Pierre, believes she can handle it but her mother, Su, is hysterical at the thought of her daughter leaving the safety of Singapore’s Green Underwater Metropolis, the Bubble G.U.M., a self-sufficient city-state protected three miles beneath the waves by a dome of chewing gum.

Little does anyone know that in less than a week Prix will cause the biggest crisis to hit Singapore since the planet went into meltdown creating a world of water and a human civilisation on the brink of annihilation.

Yes, it’s science fiction about futuristic Singapore! It’s a young adult with elements of comedy and adventure in it too. A very interesting 6 person collaboration by the Happy Smiley Writers Group.

You guys get can it during the Nanowrimo Kick-Off on the 30th October, 6.30pm at the National Library or email me to “pre-order” it if you want to have a copy before the date or to make sure you do get a copy before then. Why pre-order? Because it’ll take time for the distributors to put it in the stores and I might just have limited stock in my hands when I get some stacks of them from the publisher.

It’s not up for online sale at Two Trees yet but it will be.

What’s the price? $18! It’s probably going to be more expensive in stores when they include GST though. (Un?)Fortunately, you can only get a special sale price of $15 if you go to the Nanowrimo Kick-Off! But hey, if you’re going to the kick-off, you’ll be able to meet the writers, get autographs, listen about writing, talk about geekery such as books and comics while having cake!

It’s totally more worth it to pre-order one and collect it at the event itself. What’s my email? Check my about page, heh. Or ok. It’s sarah @

Chronicles of a Daywalker – Blood on the Moon

When I saw “Blood on the Moon” by S.M. De Silva, I thought, “Oooh, a vampire story. This looks interesting” for the last local vampire book I read was pretty fun. (You can read preview chapters of Blood on the Moon on their website, by the way.) Plus, I like to support genre fiction especially local ones here since there isn’t too many!

And then I read it and huh.

Before I start this review, I want to make sure that all of you know that this is entirely my opinion and that seriously, it is just mine and I might not be the target audience for this book.

Heck, I’m not exactly sure who the target audience for this book is for either.

But all of you get it? This is just mine and by now, you lot might know what sort of stories I like so consider this as a disclaimer of sorts. For even if you read my review and then read the book, you might think, “What the heck is Sarah talking about? This is gorgeous!”. So take this review with a pinch or a truckload of salt enough to give you high blood pressure.

And so I begin.

Continue reading Chronicles of a Daywalker – Blood on the Moon

Newsflash: City Hall and former Supreme Court tours open!


More there’s more slots for guided tours for the old supreme court (or former supreme court as some might say!) and city hall! Yeah, I know some of you might wonder why is city hall called city hall… Well, the building next to the supreme court is the ACTUAL city hall, thus that’s why the area is called, uh that.

Here’s the info!

16-17th Oct of Guided Tours for the TNAGS Open House.

If you didn’t get to sign up for the previous one. DO IT NOW. Sign up online at HERE! Ok that’s the main site for you to check EVERYTHING. However, if you check what’s happening etc etc. You’ll end up at the guided tours booking form!

I know my random encounter post whet the appetites of some adventurers and historians that read it since it was a post to know how the area was like and for those who couldn’t. It was a “Lookie here” archival post instead of my usual go do it since I knew there was limited space. HOWEVER, now you can check it out yourself.  SO, go forth and sign up!