Really Random Encounters

Detecting metal?

We went to the national museum for the Total Defence 30th anniversary! There were so many cool things to do even before entering the museum.

Like playing with metal detectors and eating army rations or checking out their weaponry.

Unfortunately, by the time you read this, the special exhibition is oveeer.

OH AND BY THE WAY. I AM VERILY GLAD, my two teams in N.E.mation? THEY BOTH GOT INTO TOP THREE. The champion and the 1st runner up but that shall be a different post…

Anyway, Saturday really was random adventures day.


This was a tremorlator! You got to experience how it would be like in an earthquake.


And there was an unmanned Navy ship and a civil defence bike besides this SLV II vehicle? It’ll be awesome if we had this for our crew and went all “GET IN LOSER, WE’RE GOING SHOPPING“.

Inside the experiential showcase

Eventually we made our way inside. You needed to take up a booklet because wanted to go to the experiential showcase. It’s really cool and the others REALLY did enjoy it too because this year it’s totally different.

With our theme of “Because You Played A Part”, it meant you have regular people and their stories involved in the Total Defence’s anniversary.


It was kind of like a choose your own adventure game because at the start you had to go, “Do you feel happy or tired?” and then you followed the arrows, got to watch the videos, go up and down the museum and pretty much, you got to know the experience!

Thank you.

And at the end of it all, you got to the section where you can thank people.

By the way, the volunteers who helped around the exhibition were really great and helpful too, so thanks.

What we liked about this showcase is how it’s really how it is. As in reality with the sad and bad parts but WITH the good too.

And thus, because there was the bad/sad parts, that’s why the good parts felt really good after all that work, perseverance or friendship.

Made in SG?

We then headed to the National Design Centre for the Made in Singapore Market!

Citizen Pop!

There were leather makers and whatnot at the market but HELLO THERE, what’s this? This is Citizen Pop!

We tried their ginger and apple soda and we were all “GASSSSP, WE MUST HAVE THIS”. They had sampler taste mini cups and for that day there were two other drink flavours but we kind of forgot it because ginger and apple was the winner for us.

Spicy yet sweet, it was refreshing like heck.

We just sat nearby the booth drinking our sodas and everyone else kept looking at us and then started to buy more sodas after they realized it was delicious.

GSH Conserves were there too so heh heh Raven got to try their jams and bought their spiced pumpkin and our top pick: sweet potato and ginger.

I know, ginger seems to be the main flavour for our group but it’s the ZING that makes whatever else combo with it, awesome.

If you see these two shops setting up at any fairs/market. GO TRY THEM cause delicious max.


Eventually we ate lunch, went to Toysrus to find some LEGOs but didn’t find which ones we liked and then went down Orchard road towards Orchard Central since I wanted to get something but we encountered… THIS!



As we went closer a guy asked us if we wanted to be transported to a secret location and play a game.

I know it sounds dodgy but I knew what this was. BECAUSE I WAS WAITING FOR THIS FREAKING GAME FOR LIKE EVER.

When I saw the poster I was, “Gasp… No. It cannot be. GASSSSP IT ISSSS!”.

I told my friends who were with me, “Yes. Yes, let’s go!” and they were willing to go along with me so that’s really nice.

A flyer!

The game’s out on the 25th February by the way.

Plus, what happened after I said yes? Well, we were sent to a mini bus and from there we were driven to a secret location!

Said secret location is secret but we suspect it’s the ad agency’s office because it looks like it is. WE GOT TO PLAY THIEF. Wooooo, I managed to go about demo-ing the game on the x-box and it was really good and YES, it’s sneaking around galore.

The control’s pretty manageable too and well, I LIKE IT.

After playing the game (and eating Old Chang Kee) we were sent back to Orchard via the mini bus again. So hey, if you ever see some facebook/video ad thing about something like this, I might be in the video since they had interviews for all of us about the experience.

Just in case you can’t read the flyer, it says:

1 & 2 March, 8 & 9 March
Between 3pm – 7pm
Location: Along Orchard Road (Mandarin Gallery Traffic Junction)

Pre-register your interest at:

Heh heh. Oh yeah, there’s a lucky draw to win a PS4 but heeey we won’t know who will win that, eh? Such a game-like Saturday it was.

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

2 thoughts on “Really Random Encounters”

  1. Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmm should I lurk around the area so I can go play Thief as well?

    Anyway, there’s a pretty awesome tremorlator in the Science Center too!

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