The new teams of NE.Mation! 11 My Teams.

Hey everyone, it’s a new format this year and I’m the ambassador for 5 teams! Well co-ambassador? This time all 10 teams will have two ambassadors to spread more info about them!

Anyway, let me give you a brief intro of each of the teams I’ll be ambassadoring(?) for this round of N.E.mation! So you’ll know at least a bit more of them before I showcase about the teams individually for this period of three (well, this post is week 2 of 3 for them).

In no particular order…

IMPOSSIBRO (CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School)


I asked why is their team called Impossibro and they told me it was a meme.

“What bro”
“tell the whole world that we’re bros”
*whispers* “we’re bros”
“why’d you whisper bro?”
“because you’re my whole world bro”
“b r o”

2d stuff!

Anyway, they’re planning to do something with 2d but with also paper. So it’s kind of a mixed media? YOU SHALL SEE.

Follow their instagram here: Impossibro

Geekstrux (Crescent Girls’ School)


Why Geekstrux… They wanted to drive a truck on the road to success and to make it cooler they added an ‘x’. So uh, GEEKSTRUX IT IS.

Assets for their stuff

They are doing it fully in 2d and thus they all have to draw their assets first before animating it all. Don’t forget to press save, girls!

Also, when I visited them, they were really shy and their instructor told me once in that week, they were really quiet and were eating snacks…around the bin because they didn’t want crumbs on the carpeted floor. So sweet!

Anyway, follow them on instagram here: Geekstrux

Doughnuts & Donuts (Cedar Girls’ Secondary School)

Doughnuts and Donuts

Plainly. Their name is because… they were hungry. Really, that’s it. If they would have gotten in the top 100, one of their members would have bought a box of donuts from them.

They haven’t… until this day.


Well, they brought OTHER food but not donuts yet! Also, do you guys spell it as doughnuts or donuts?

I like to spell it as donuts.

As for their production, it’s going to be 2d based too!

Something about snake and ladders. HMMMM.

Look see their instagram here: Doughnutsandonuts

Dinosoar (Kent Ridge Secondary School)


Dinosoar is because they forgot their password for Dying Giraffe (they watched a nature programme about giraffes) and well, dinosaurs are cool. Interesting fact, they’re the only fully Malay team in the top 10 and not many of their schoolmates even know they got through yet!

Like a surprise for the school, maybe?


Not gonna show you what they’re doing yet but do know they are going fully 2d for this. Rotoscoping (a technique to trace) for some parts but this is going to be all animated on the computer.

Come give your support and like their instagram here: Dinosoar

Cedar3 (Cedar Girls’ Secondary School)


Lastly but not least, hehehe we have Cedar3!

This is their second time for some of them to get to the top 10.

They are dead inside look.

They told me this is their dead inside look. It’s going to be tough as they are one classmate short and then it will be a tag team as one of them has to go on holiday with parents too. BUT THEY WILL MAKE IT.

What is their technique for their production? It’s going to be a stop motion thing but I can’t really describe it that well because it has watercolour and a lot of timing too.

We’ll see… we’ll see.

Come like follow their instagram here: Cedar3

The Teams

  1. Impossibro
  2. Geekstrux
  3. Doughnuts & Donuts
  4. Dinosoar
  5. Cedar3

These are the five teams to look out for and for you to come support them!

Seriously Sarah’s Official Response to Kelly’s Apology

This post is about this:

and the eventual ‘apology’ here:

Dear Kelly,

I sincerely apologise if my response to your apology will come across harsh and… No. I’m actually not apologizing at all.

My response takes into consideration of many of the commenters and the people who actually buy the magazine so that they will not engage in such risky behavior such as writing letters to you and this is also aimed at warning my readers the consequences they face should they engage in asking advice from a magazine.

Throughout my response, I am blaming you. You are not naive. Your apology is not for you to give your own reasons or excuses that your focus was for her and the reasons to learn that certain actions have consequences.

You were focusing more on your own reasons rather than actually apologizing and stating why your article was detrimental.

You wanted everyone to know the ‘danger of sending the wrong signals’ while you were giving plenty yourself.

I know you are a total innocent. Yet I can’t help wonder how a poly student could be so naive? … Frankly, I understand why the guy misunderstood your acceptance of the invitation.

There. That is not helpful at all since you are deemed as siding with the guy when all she wanted was your help and support.

Sure, you have no intention of ‘victim blaming’ as stated in your apology but this is now an attempt to point out one’s actions have consequences and the sad fact, for you that everyone is commenting at, is that you are terribly out of touch.

No one can be more sorry now for this girl than all of us who have read your advice. If you are the girl who wrote the letter, please ignore her advice and know that we support you and there is a helpline at AWARE or even by email which you can find out more here.

If you genuinely care for your readers and truly, if you have built a warm caring relationship, I hope you would never downplay the seriousness of your own actions to have negative consequences.

We don’t care about your disclaimer about condoning pre-marital sex or not. We care about you giving actual helpful advice.

You are only gravely sorry that this response has garnered a negative response. And you apologized if your response has upset readers while hoping after your explanation that we would understand where you are coming from. No. We did not want to understand where you are coming from, we wanted an apology or at least an apology to the girl WHY your advice was bad which you clearly did not do at all.

Your whole apology was just a bunch of reasons trying to show how caring you are without actually caring. There is a difference.

And if your bio is true, with counselling primary and secondary school students since the 1970s. I think you’re due for a refresher course. Because you’re terribly out of date with your advising or counselling techniques.

Seriously Sarah

After never qualifying as a teacher or not even wanting to be one, Sarah never attended any counselling workshops but she darn heck knows what the heck is bad advice. Over the past 20 years, she has been invited to eat dinner with friends and gives talks to random people at conventions. She also engages in Overwatch gaming. In the 1980s, she was born in one of those years and was a baby. Since 1996, she learned how to read.