Time to VOTE for N.E.mation!11

It’s time to vote for N.E.mation!11 You can vote 4 ways and for 3 teams each time. (Click to enlarge pic.)

Prizes for voters include iPad pros, Apple watches and McDonald’s vouchers!

Voting is from 14 January to 5 February 2017.

How to vote!

  1. Go to www.nemation.sg and vote on your computer
  2.  Using the MOBILE website on your PHONE go to www.nemation.sg . Yes! It counts if you vote on your phone instead.
  3. Vote using the Facebook app here: https://www.facebook.com/nemation or if you’re mobile https://fbvote.nemation.sg !!
  4. SMS!! Sms in the following formate: NE11 <space> WEB <space> C3, C6, C7 <space> NRIC <space> Full Name to 76677 . The C is the group name so you can find that on the website.


  1. C2 – The Singaporean Blood in Us by cedar3
  2. C3 – The Olympian by DinoSoar
  3. C4 – Snakes and Ladders by Doughtnuts & Donuts
  4. C6 – A Beautiful Song by Geekstrux
  5. C7 – TEARror by impossibro

OK THEY ARE MY TEAMS SO BIAS-LAH. Go have a look see of their productions on the voting websites!

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