The dual destinies of Ships Ahoy and Best Bros

Ships Ahoy (Najwan Noor)

Hello friends, if you haven’t been updated by now, I’ve been doing some pro-wrestling at Grapplemax. And what’s better than getting 1 prestigious golden belt?

Tag team belts made by Paul Martin Belts (Photo by Najwan Noor)

You got that right, it’s getting 2.

So I entered the Dual Destinies Tag Team Tournament with my tag team partner, Xtian! Our team name is Ships Ahoy. And since you’re reading this now, you’re automatically a Friend Shipmate.

If you’re also wondering who helped make our outfits, it’s Joey.

By the way, photos are either by Najwan Noor or Jayden Quek, do check them out!

Best Bros photo (Najwan Noor)

Hailing from Chocopro (Japan), we have Mei Suruga and Baliyan Akki. They’re called the Best Bros and if we got to defeat them, then it’s us for the semi-finals. OHOhOhOHoh.

Are we gonna handshake? (Najwan Noor)

Sure, they might have a few years more in experience. And sure they have wrestled more shows than us, all over Japan and abroad.

It’s fine, me and Xtian could handle them just fine.

Kick it (Najwan Noor)

So we traded kicks.

Ok maybe I got kicked instead (Najwan Noor)

It’s FINE, it’s fine. We could still take it.

Two? (Najwan Noor)

It’s the first time Ships Ahoy wrestled against an international tag team and it was actually pretty fun. I know a lot of people locally wanted to see us against Best Bros because when you come down to it, both our vibes were similar yet different.

Uwaagh!! (Najwan Noor)

Ok, maybe this wasn’t the fun part but I could hear the screams from the audience. Also, what is Jullian from Showtime Inc in the corner looking at huh. Is he getting inspiration for some moves in the future, huh? HUHH?

Kawaii?? No. Kowai!! (Jayden Kwek)

Mei has such devious moves and she was being a goblin in this match. I started to see why Chris Brookes called her that when he had matches with her.

Iyaaaah! (Najwan Noor)



Battle at the Barracks (Remus)

Even Ming Rui the lion bit me during the Battle at the Barracks match.

End of Flashback.

WHEEEEE let’s spin! (Najwan Noor)

Let’s spin back into the present.

I really like looking at photos once more just to see the audience reactions. I can hear you guys but when I’m trying to SURVIVE HERE, I can’t exactly see all of you.

Now, that’s certified fun (for me). Lol.

Double suplex is a Ships Ahoy thing (Najwan Noor)

Anyway the specialty of tag team matches is to do tag team moves and we got in our double suplex on Akki.

Dirty Dancing (Najwan Noor)

For Best Bros, they have their Dirty Dancing which, while I can appreciate it on a move standpoint view cause it’s very, very pretty.

Getting slammed with it is so much more different.

It’s inspired by this 80s film.

AND THAT is also one of the reasons why both our teams vibe so similarly.

Ships Ahoy theme song is from an 80s movie which you’ll only know if you come to live show (yes, I ain’t saying which song, you got to come watch us live).

Stop being Voltron, you guys!! (Najwan Noor)

They’ve also got their Voltron transformer move where they become a giant Best Bros. Instead, we wanted to double Ahoy and spear them.

Help lahhh (Jayden Quek)

But how can we defeat the giant Best Bros when we’re pirates and not power rangers?!

Mr Referee, be careful too! (Jayden Quek)

Xtian got chokeslamed from above.

Screams from everyone (Najwan Noor)

And then I got splashed by their signature Dolphin Press.

Anyway, it was a very fun experience going up against Best Bros. I hope we meet again. They’re very friendly and nice senpais of prowrestling.

It just means Ships Ahoy got to train more and maybe we need to go wrestle other teams to get more experience too before we face them again in the future, hopefully!

Legitimately, I think the audience can see how wild this match was and how opposite yet same we were to each other. They finally got their Ships Ahoy vs Best Bros match.

Dual Destinies Night 1 (Najwan Noor)

Is it a spoiler when it’s already out on the official Grapplemax socials?

Ships Ahoy didn’t make it through night 1 of Dual Destinies as we were sunk by Best Bros with that finishing Dolphin Press. With that we got knocked out of the tag team tournament so nooooo, we won’t be able to fight for those shiny belts.

I hope the audience enjoyed watching both our teams and for those who didn’t get to make it for either or both nights, do subscribe to Grapplemax’s Youtube Channel where you might get to watch it when it’s uploaded.

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Well, this is seriously Sarah and that's all you need to know for now.

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