Geylang Ramadan Bazaar 2017

Mostly, I keep going to the Geylang bazaar is to just hope and find that one shop ever since it closed years ago. Anatolia. I miss it and before it closed shop at Far East Plaza, they used to have a stall at the bazaar. Le sigh. If you know any of the staff or the boss, tell them that I miss their salads and the lahmacun and my friends miss the pide and kebabs too.

Anyway, since then I keep going to it just to have a glimpse, to see if I will see them return.

For now, this post is for those friends who aren’t in Singapore and want to see how the bazaar is like now.

Warning. Lots of food pictures.

Continue reading Geylang Ramadan Bazaar 2017

Buy Britney Spears tickets in Singapore

EDIT: YAY! Sold off to a fellow fan.

Help buy our tickets! We’re selling at cost price.

Two Britney tix going for original price! Section 222, Row 15, seats 3&4. $472/ticket.

This includes the booking fee we paid on sportshub.

You’d be sitting there.

Contact her on that twitter account or just comment here in this post with your details. My comments are all moderated anyway so others won’t see you personal details if you leave your phone/email here.

TL;DR why we have this?

I bought two tickets and she also bought two tickets because we were scared the Britney tickets would sell out ever since that Ed Sheeran incident. So now we have 2 spares. PLEASE BUY FROM US. The concert’s happening on 30 June.

Surprise Boxes for Lazada’s Great Singapore Sale!

It’s that TIME OF YEAR AGAIN! And Lazada sent me a Gaming Box curated by Leapfrog Distribution.

Want a preview of what you might get?

Cause from 6 June to 8 June, Lazada’s having their GSS Surprise Box and they contain items worth a minimum of $100 and will be sold at $29 nett.

AND they’re having sales up to 90% off and flash deals every 2 hours.

I AM TELLING YOU THIS NOW because I MISSED the previous Lazada‘s birthday special with their surprise boxes and it was so gooood. Don’t you guys miss out this one.

Brands participating for the GSS are Laneige, Neutrogena, Garner, Adidas Box by Fossil Group, Logitech,Sennheiser, Mabelline, Jabra and much more!


This is what I received and when I opened it, I went all “What!!!!!”.

Continue reading Surprise Boxes for Lazada’s Great Singapore Sale!

A Smashing Time at The Fragment Room

So I went to The Fragment Room. If you ever played Overwatch with me, you’d know I like smashing things in the waiting room because the sound of breaking glass is fun.

And here I could do it in a safe environment and ok, I pretty much went there cause I wanted cool shots of me breaking stuff in slow motion.

GUESS WHAT, MISSION SUCCESS thanks to Nick cause he wanted to test out his phone and I wanted to also learn which camera is good for doing those shots.

Booking’s available online at their website. There’s an additional cost of $15 for clean up if you decide to bring your own stuff.

I went when they had been only opened for 8 days and wow, was it busy.

Continue reading A Smashing Time at The Fragment Room

FCBD at GnB , Yellow Princess and Doujima

6 May 2017 was the first Free Comic Book Day that GnB had at their new premises at Kitchener Complex.

No more queuing up in the heat but it was so much slower than before since it was in air con and… WHY ARE PEOPLE BROWSING AT THE COUNTER?

We have Howard giving up mini prizes to quiz questions while we waited in line.

Continue reading FCBD at GnB , Yellow Princess and Doujima

Dance Break

Behold. I did the Chizza dance. Points if you know the song.

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There was a KFC Chizza contest and they said to dance the Chizza.

So I did.

And I won one of the prizes!

Anyway if you think this is a filler episode, YOU ARE RIGHT. I am so backlogged on my posts especially my train one! So here, here’s another bonus video since you’re here on my post.


What are you doing this Good Friday? #f8nitrous

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I visited Tanglin

15 March 2017 was the first fan meet of Tanglin the series. I was invited to come and yes of course I did want to see the set!

We got a tour of the facilities in Infinite Studios where the whole set for the Tongs, Lims and Rahmans plus the cafe was at.

The entrance led us to the kitchen where we met Belle (?) the actual chef for the show and also the writers. We traversed through a small corridor where it led to various rooms for the cast to change or rest and the wardrobe.

After that we went on set!

Finally I could see the small details of the show. You can just watch Tanglin on tv or Toggle if you want to see how it looks like usually.

Continue reading I visited Tanglin