It starts from a Spark

I was invited to the sneak preview of episode 6 of the DBS Sparks series.

Episode 6 will officially premiere on the 17th March, noon on their channel.

I watched it and it is quite touching, as it has to do with education and the cultural sensitivities in villages where girls aren’t able to study. I can’t say more without spoiling so perhaps you can just watch it yourself!

The whole series is actually based on real life events that the bankers actually go through.

You might think it’s fictional, but it’s not! Episode 6 is especially influenced by one of the Social Media Enterprises that they have supported, like Zaya.

Continue reading It starts from a Spark

Surprise! It’s Lazada’s 3rd Birthday!

It’s going to be Lazada’s third birthday and THAT means discounts galore from 21st March 2017 to 23 March 2017.

With that, I got a Logitech X Lazada surprise box from them!

What’s a surprise box? Well, for their third birthday, Lazada will be having specially curated boxes for sale in addition to their over 300 flash deals.

It’s like those Japanese lucky bags, where you will receive a few items that is worth more than what you pay for.

All you have to do is pick a brand (there are MANY like Laneige, Razer, Sandisk, 3m, Sennheiser etc) and purchase it during their birthday.

All Surprise boxes are worth a minimum of $100, but sold at $29 nett on 21st Mar. In addition to these amazing Surprise boxes, Lazada will be having crazy deals – up to 90% off and 300+ flash deals over the course of 3 days.

You won’t know what you get!

So what did I get in my Logitech surprise box? HMMM. Give you a hint if you choose a Logitech box.

Continue reading Surprise! It’s Lazada’s 3rd Birthday!

Logan – Older, Fuller, Sexier

Hi everyone.

Before I start anything, I want to tell you that Logan is a very good movie.

I won’t give you spoilers but it is beautiful (and M18 for the violent gore and language).

I wanted to watch it before I did this post because everyone else (Red Dot Diva, HereBeGeeks and even Mothership?!) wrote about it. The it, that was Absolute Comic’s review on wanting Laura to be older, fuller, sexier.

This is the tale of someone in that company being an utter dolt about social media because right now, the post has been deleted but it has sent ripples through the geek/pop culture community who actually buys stuff from that shop.

RDD and HBG pretty much tells you what happened and WHY it is bad. Let’s forget about Mothership, they’re just in it for clicks with that vagueish fact article.

I’m just gonna tell you why that review pissed off a heck load of people.

SCREENSHOTS from various people by the way.

On March 2  Absolute Comics trended on twitter. This was the first time a local comic store in Singapore trended on twitter and it was because of their movie ‘review’.

Continue reading Logan – Older, Fuller, Sexier

I Bought Singlit

I groaned as I trudged towards the Gillman Barracks in the morning. I didn’t have to but I wanted to help Jo and Max since I could come by and also pass them a cupcake or so.

Block 7 was where the #buysinglit event was happening from 24th to 26th February 2017.

For anyone who had been to Gillman Barracks, most of their reactions was, “Ughh ok fine, I’ll just go there once and never again” because it was just such an ulu place.

I removed my sunglasses as I stepped into the building, the walls were decorated with pages but I didn’t go up close to them to read.

Continue reading I Bought Singlit

Buy Alienware Dell ?

You might be searching for alienware dell support or alienware dell help. Or even alienware dell singapore support or alienware dell singapore help.

This is page is not help.

And even if it was, you’re still not going to get help.

This is not my computer, but it’s my pal Pris. She bought an Alienware Dell PC including additional warranty and all she got was crap.

TL;DR if you wan to skim through:

Alienware Dell support is nonexistent in Singapore. She bought warranty. All she got was frustration as tech support bounced her around. They’re using outsourced tech support people and even they are frustrated at the parts Dell gave them. Refurbished motherboards that do not work. And she had to go through all social media channels to get help because their official lines didn’t.

The ‘tech support’ want to do it during office hours when she’s at work and that’s stupid. She managed to get it ‘post 6pm’ after complaining so much but the computer still doesn’t work since they didn’t go through it properly. As of now, her computer is still NOT working. Do not buy Alienware Dell. If you can help Pris get a new computer, even better. Please help. Alienware isn’t.

AND NOW FOR THE STORY because you all like drama.

Continue reading Buy Alienware Dell ?

Odex Film Fest!

It ends on the 26th which is this weekend. Mostly, it’s a Golden Village thing but there’s an event at City Square Mall where if you get free Odex Film Fest Goodie Bag with a minimum spending of $50 in a single receipt (or $100 if NTUC receipt) at the L2 Customer Service Counter.

But from what I saw, people were redeeming their goodie bags instead at the Atrium so do looksee where to go.

There’s this one station for you to check out Sword Art Online on the ps4 but I’m sure it’ll be crowded during the weekend.

Here’s the wefie booth for the Odex cosplay wefie competition. More details on their facebook post because it’s kind of complicated on how to submit.

You can pose with these posters if you want too. But mainly that’s for publicity.

And Chopper!

You know, I actually had a facebook reminder that I was posing with Chopper, 4 years ago at J-Obsession at the Cathay. I wonder if this is the same Chopper.

And here’s the stage!

It’s not too big and the tournaments and games will be happening around it. So try to come early and get a good spot cause it’s not that large of an area.

To those who managed to get the tickets for the film fest, yay you guys!

Ps. If you come to City Square. I recommend the beef noodles on the top floor. They’re really good.

Who made it?

It was the prize presentation for N.E.mation!11 yesterday and finally the conclusion to this round!

By the way that was the OneHeartBeat Percussions who warmed the audience up with their music and clapping participation.

Cause ya know, percussion, rhythms and one heart beat and all that.

It was fun clapping along.

A speech by the minister Dr Janil Puthucheary about total defense and then it’s time for a run for all the videos once more and come on, we all just wanted to know who WILL WIN.

It came up to Cedar vs Cedar… AND Team MADEit made it!!

And that’s it for this year. Loot and prizes for everyone! Who won!

And then it’s interviews and everyone congratulating the teams cause it’s really their day to finally relax without the suspense of knowing who would win.

Aaaand finally mingling time! Ok this is the best/worst time to try find the teams because everyone is congratulating them or just being interviewed by the news.

Anyway, to all the teams I wanna congratulate you guys for making top ten and enjoy all the loot you guys won.


It’s a circle? Walk and Eat

I walk a lot but in general, a random day out would happen vaguely like this. Mind you, it’s a lot of walking, eating and exploring.

I got to 76 Serangoon Road via the train and a bit of walking from Little India station to get to Komala Vilas!

It’s my favourite restaurant and heck, prime ministers have dined here too.

Here, I ordered pongal and teh tarik. If we’re doing the whole “food blogger” thing, the whole set cost me just $5.

If we’re not doing the whole “food blogger”… flogger? thing, AHHHHH pongal.

Continue reading It’s a circle? Walk and Eat

Unchained in Changi!!

It was empty on the roads on evening of the 27th of January since a lot of people were at home or somewhere having their reunion dinners.

Meanwhile, I was watching a Singapore Pro Wrestling event: UNCHAINED IN CHANGI!!

Don’t be scared if you ever get an invite to go to one, the audience are civilized.

Noisy but civilized and it is just so much FUN.

Continue reading Unchained in Changi!!

SDS 4.2 – Space Oddity

This cover of David Bowie’s Space Oddity seem fitting for this episode of Sarah Does Singapore. It’s from the movie The Secret Life of Walter Milty.

You should watch the movie if you haven’t, it’s about doing things.

To chase after what you want to do or to your goal.

Anyway, I went to the Art Science Museum with my friends and had a ridiculous amount of fun there.

Future World doesn’t have a deadline.

Journey to Infinity: Escher’s World of Wonder ends on 26 February 2017.

NASA – A Human Adventure ends on 19 March 2017.

Those were the exhibits I went.

I suggest you go in groups of at least 3 people because there are some exhibits where it’s best to have 2 people in a picture and the last can help take pics for you and you guys take turns.

Also, did you know the area around ASM is abundant with pokemon?

Continue reading SDS 4.2 – Space Oddity