Singapore Writers Festival 2009!


Look! The Singapore Writers Festival’s website is now up! You can now download the forms, read the rules and application form for the Golden Point Award 2009.

GPA Summary:

  • From 10 March to 29 May
  • $16 application fee
  • Passport photo of yourself
  • 100 word bio of yourself in English
  • 4 copies of your manuscript
  • And the application form ( Of course.)

You can write it in English/Malay/Chinese/Tamil in either poetry or a short story form. A minimum of 5 poems with a max of 8 and for short story, it’s 5000 words max.

Obviously it must be original, unpublished and oh here’s the thing, you can’t enter this competition if you’re a published writer! Just so you know, more fine details, just look at their forms.

St Patrick’s Parade! With SEJA!

Last year I was lugging camera gear at the parade. This year… Okay, I’m doing the same thing again BUT! Check out my friends from SEJA!


No, in real life their light sabres don’t glow that good due to the sunlight.

They’ll be at the parade again this year, doing their performance! The Jedi and the Sith. Pay no mind to Darth Vader and the storm troopers. Okay, you can pay them mind since they’re actually our pals from Singapore’s 501st (the largest imperial legion in South East Asia). But yeah, this year’s parade on the 15th March will have them again in the Star Wars contingent.

Continue reading St Patrick’s Parade! With SEJA!

Blogout 09!

Okay, so I went there and the talks were pretty interesting and woaah, people actually DO blog seriously here!

Blogout was organized by The Digital Movement and as usual for any events… I got there early.

Just in case I’d get lost, you know. I went to the free one on the 7th March and it was located at 8Q SAM. See, there’s actually ANOTHER Singapore Arts Museum and you got to figure out which one it was. Thankfully they DID say 8Q cause the other one is further behind and quite a walk from it too.


Woooh, okay so with the obvious sign, I totally found it.

Continue reading Blogout 09!

Blog Out 09 and Creative Industries Fair!



Date and time: 7 March 09, 10.30am – 5pm (at least for the free one)

Location: 8Q Singapore Arts Museum, 8 Queen Street, Singapore 188535

There’s two days. The first is for corporate types and you have to pay for the tickets while the 7th March one is FREE. I’ma be there that day to just listen to the programme, especially about the “Fire your boss! Ways you can turn your blog into a business in 2009” segment. I DO wish to know what else is in store and all that. More info at their website.

MEANWHILE! I went to the Creative Industries Fair on Saturday the 28th!

CIF logo

It was a rather cozy place…

Continue reading Blog Out 09 and Creative Industries Fair!

HSWG #2 recap – Jacaranda Press Literary Agency and Creative Industries Fair!

So! None of us went to the Young Writer’s seminar and went to HSWG instead (I wonder if anyone blogged about the seminar though!). In any case, bonus points for us having Priya from Jacaranda literary agency to have a little talk with us.

Basic info for those especially in SG. You can send your three chapters plus a synopsis of your novel to them via email. Submissions of manuscripts and it being read are for free just so you know. Literary agencies do all the work for books (well except writing it, they’ll help you get edited/published/promo/etc) and this is one agency you can submit to here.

You can check their website or send your FICTION manuscript for perusal to Priya Doraswamy at priya.doraswamy(at) if anything, you can still check their website and email there. Mostly, they do work in India/China/etc so they’re rather quite “new” in Singapore.



27th Feb to 1st March at the Marina Square the Central Atrium from 10am till 10pm.

Pretty interesting! You can check out more info here on each day’s programme. I have… school but it ends at 6pm. I want to know more on the games though. Ugh, ugh. Their talk is at 6pm-7pm so I doubt I can get to listen in time. NONETHELESS, it doesn’t mean I can’t go check out their booths if so!

Events reminder!

Young Writers’ Seminar this Saturday at 10am till 6pm at the Arts House.

And HSWG #2 , on Saturday at Geek Terminal, 2pm till whenever (read that as supposed to be around 5 but we linger more until near closing time).

Amusingly, I learned that some of my friends are going to YWS which is kinda cool since I haven’t seen them going to other previous events of these sort before! So in any case, I’ll get to know what happens there while I’m at GT!

Golden Point Award 2009!


This is so totally screenshotted from the Arts House webby.

It’s opeeeeeeen! Or rather, here’s the info.Submission of entries opens on 17 February and will close on 15 May 2009 EDITED: 9 March till 29 May. Event details here at The Arts House website. It says more info on the competition at Singapore Writers’ Festival webby but it’s not updated yet. In any case, if you took part or read 07 rules, it pretty much goes that you write in any of our four national languages if you want.

I’ll update whenever the forms and details are up but yaay, at least you know it’s happening again.

If I remember correctly, there IS a fee to enter too. Something like ten or so dollars (I can’t remember) but I don’t know about this year.


Singapore Writers Festival website is up!! CLICK HERE.