Anime Festival Asia 2008, Singapore

For a more comprehensive look about AFA, you should go read the anime/manga blogs such as Dark Mirage, Zero Hero etc since I’m just a casual passerby (in a way).


Okay, I only went to day 1 because I had a Nanowrimo write-in to hold but in any case, I went after it. This entry is me wandering around with Nerwen. Pics are kinda random cause we walked randomly.

Continue reading Anime Festival Asia 2008, Singapore

Teaser post – Maya O. Calica’s Undercover Tai Tai

Next book to be reviewed…


Undercover Tai Tai by Maya O. Calica

AN ACTUAL CHIC LIT BOOK WRITTEN HERE!!! Le gasp indeed. I’ll read it the day after… Since I got a Kylie Minogue concert to attend to, wooh!

EDIT 24 Feb 09:

Just noticed this page was linked to via the Asian Chic webby! For new readers, the actual review is here since this was the teaser post.

The Singapore Teddy Bear Show 2008


I was going to my Nanowrimo write-in when I saw this sign at the entrance of the Arts House.

Free admission.

The Singapore Teddy Bear Show.

Yeaaah, right as if I wasn’t going to go up for a look see before I started my writing.

So after dumping my bag at the cafe with the other wrimos, I decided to go up! Amusingly, the sign said no video or photography but everyone in there was doing it sooo, WHAT THE HECK EH?

WARNING: A LOT OF TEDDY BEAR PICTURES UNDER THE CUT! Continue reading The Singapore Teddy Bear Show 2008

Passing by a Singapore Biennale 08 exhibit…

Note: The Singapore Biennale 2008 should end on the 16th of November. Check out their website here. 

Okay, every time I passed Raffles City, I noticed this piece of artwork on the mall.


I thought it was something about psychedelic party thingies or whatever since we were in town in a way and the colours were bright and party-ish. As if the character in the artpiece was enjoying themselves.

What I didn’t notice when I usually passed by was this…
Continue reading Passing by a Singapore Biennale 08 exhibit…

Art of Voice at Fly Academy


So I finished my Art of Voice class at Fly Academy by Paul Carr! It was rather fun but then I always liked courses like these.

You can actually check out what other courses they have at Fly Academy. I took their acting class before too… Heh, heh. In any case, the flyer for the Art of Voice Class says this:

Lesson 1
Getting to really know your voice
Lesson 2
Using your voice to sell, suggest, seduce and satisfy.
Lesson 3
Working with scripts/proposals/speeches
Lesson 4
Performing with your voice: Theatre, Business, News and Advertising

I always wanted to be a Voice Over for an anime or cartoon or whatever and this little course DID actually help. Heh, maybe one day I can be one… If there were actually more animes or cartoons here. It’s a rather short workshop course but VERY effective.

If you don’t want to go through Fly, you can also go through Paul Carr’s Consultancy and pay mucho moolahs for a more personalized one to one coaching or whatever else for your company or organization. This is not just for VOs, it’s for people who want to improve their speech for presentations or work and such too.


I should go ask how much is his cd cause he said a different price from his website, hmmmmmm!

In any case, hur hur. Once I get my book from my friend, I will record something for you guys to hear… Since the book is romance trashy and much amusement will be had!

Bandai’s Edamame toy

I saw the advert on TVmobile in the bus. The ad had subtitles though and I remember it saying something like “I woke up in the morning and saw an edamame next to me. Squeeze edamame, squeeze edamame, edamame squeeze, etc etc”.

So I went all “This is stupid. I need it. ”


Or rather it hit me that this would be a nice birthday gift for my friend because it’s just so ridiculous.


Continue reading Bandai’s Edamame toy

Low Kay Hwa’s I Believe You

lkh front book

I got this book back in 2005 before he started his own “company” book website called Goody Books to sell them. I knew about the book only via the forums at and was rather curious about it. The cover for the new editions now are VERY nice indeed since way back then it was less well known and I noticed he self printed and sent out copies to buyers who were interested in it.
Continue reading Low Kay Hwa’s I Believe You