I’m not Blameless.

This is technically the books I’ve read in the past week but it’s going to be of a more fangirl squee worthy discussion post because why not? Firstly, let’s just do this:

  • Talk Nerdy to Me by Vicki Lewis Thompson – Chic lit. Lots of technical nerdy engineering puns, a bit far fetched with all the sexy coincidences but the dialogue is pretty fun. Pretty enjoyable if you want something fun and silly (as most chic-lit books go) to read.
  • Soulless by Gail Carriger – Steampunk lady with a very good parasol for whacking people. THIS IS GOOD if you like strong heroines, interesting co-starring characters and the supernatural! Also, hot werewolf guy lead too
  • Changeless by Gail Carriger – Sequel to this! Once you read Soulless, you want Changeless.

I might be saying Soulless and Changeless briefly here because after this “more” cut, it’s going to be a bunch of fangirly squee. WARNING, if you don’t want spoilers, don’t click it! Too bad for those on Google reader or assorted rss readers OR those linked here straight away. THIS IS NOT A REVIEW POST, THIS IS A SQUEE POST.

You’ll be able to see the whole post without a cut so if you don’t want spoilers stop reading here and get the books pronto instead.

Have a book trailer of Soulless if you haven’t a clue how it is!

Continue reading I’m not Blameless.

The Diary of An Unreasonable Man

There’s a book talk coming up that seems to be organized by the Penguin Books Singapore at the Earshot Cafe!

It’s a book talk by Madhav Mathur, the author of The Diary of An Unreasonable Man in conversation with Deepika Shetty.

The short details:

Date: 14 May

Time: 7pm

Location: Earshot Cafe at The Arts House ( 1 Old Parliament Lane)

Since it’s a public event, you don’t need to register but just show up!

Continue reading The Diary of An Unreasonable Man

Story Starter #2

Ok, I asked for starting sentences on Twitter if anyone wanted a random free short/micro fic.  Here’s 3. Maybe more if by the end of the day anyone else asks and I’ll just edit them into this post!

The sentences:

  • “Oh no, there’s too many of them!” by Arrch
  • “Before engaging with selkie guys, it would be wise to know this:” by BeingEvil
  • “And he ate the cupcake, without sparing a thought for his own safety.” by Arrch
  • “Now her red checkered fleece hoodie had all sorts of alien goo on it.” by lysistarielle

Okay, since Arrch said twice, I made the second one extremely short! Let’s go! Each story starts after a picture so you know which belongs to what.

Continue reading Story Starter #2

Story Starters exercise #1

Ok, this was on twitter. I got a starter sentence from @jolantru and suddenly wrote some thing to continue it before it hit 5pm. Here it is! I might do other story starters for fun like an exercise. The sentence was, “The book disintegrated in my hands. I cringed, dreading the feel of dead paper on skin.

Continue reading Story Starters exercise #1

Ghostly Pursuits Part 1 of 2

Have a random story! Actually this was a submission for an online magazine but alas! It wasn’t what they’re looking for. I decided to post it up here instead. It was a last minute written thing so meh. I split the submission into 2 parts.

Maybe I’ll add another part since the ending for the whole story was actually pretty rushed.

Have part 1 of 2 (or 3?). It’s not that woah as my usual stuff since I wrote it in a slightly emergency manner? I had no idea what I wanted to call it so I went with the cheesiest title in mind when I submitted it.  It’s in 1st POV so HAH. It started out as 3rd but I did a replace/find to turn it into 1st to beat the deadline since I write faster in that. In any case, here!

Continue reading Ghostly Pursuits Part 1 of 2

Book Exchange 2010!

It’s the book exchange at the library again!

Give a book. Get a book. The infinite book exchange.

Give a book, get a book at the Book Exchange! Drop off your used books* at any Public Library from 10 to 23 April, 11.00am to 9.00pm and get a coupon for every book** accepted. Bring your coupon down to The Plaza, National Library Building, on 24 April to redeem for new reads.

Date: Sat, 24 April 2010
Time: 8.30am to 6.00pm
Venue: The Plaza, National Library Building, 100 Victoria Street

*We accept children’s and adults’ fiction and non-fiction books (eg. Cookbooks, travel guides and romance novels) in any four official languages. Books in other languages will not be accepted. We also accept used library books bought from previous Library Book Sales. Textbooks, magazines and audio-visual materials are not accepted. Used books for exchange should be in relatively good physical condition.

**Each person can exchange up to a maximum of 30 used books.

For enquiries, please call NLB Helpdesk at 6332 3255 or email: helpdesk@nlb.gov.sg

Like last year, remember to get your COUPONS first! You use them to exchange for books on the 24th. You can exchange your book for coupons at ANY public library but you can only get the books at the main library on the 24th!

A literature prize, Script Frenzy and 48 hours competition!

Howdy ya’ll. It’s that time of year again! The time where I go ahh that it’s nearly the mid year and what have I done and what costumes am I gonna make? Oh right, well, cosplay season is coming soon but meanwhile, literary wise and competition wise we have…

  • The Singapore Literature Prize
  • Script Frenzy
  • 48 Hours film competition 2010 (Singapore)

Here we go!

Continue reading A literature prize, Script Frenzy and 48 hours competition!

Books I’ve read for the past week or so

Okay, onwards with the list, the books I’ve read so far for the past week or so:

  • Smoke and Ashes by Tanya Huff
  • Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs
  • Demon Chick by Marilyn Kaye
  • The Spy Wore Silk by Andrea Pickens

I actually have a comment on these books so I’ll put them after the cut! You want to know their exact summaries, go check Amazon or some other shop website since they have blurbs.

Continue reading Books I’ve read for the past week or so

Author appearances for the month!

Is it me or are there more author appearances for this year or something? Anyway, here’s the info! A copy paste from the various sources I got.

  • Andrea Levy
  • Norma Sit
  • Greg Mortenson

And also one book launch at the Earshot by R. Chandran and Amy J Cheng

Here we go!

Continue reading Author appearances for the month!