How to test a ukulele

This is for those who ask how to test it since you might not have a friend who play a ukulele to go with you. These are just the BASICS. If you don’t know still, just ask the shop keeper!

Also, I forgot to add about the nut, it’s near the headstock. Your strings should be resting on it too and not moving all around when you’re strumming wildly.

More about my ukulele posts, just click the ukulele category or tag.

Mostly you want to buy a ukulele or find where to buy it.

Ps. If you have any other tips or techniques to test your uke for a beginner or newbie, feel free to comment.

Ukestrate it


Whenever Ukulele Movement sends out their newsletter about workshops, just click ‘buy’ whenever you know it’s the workshop you want because they seats are limited and they get sold out fast! This time it was an ukestration workshop by Mark and Jane! The Sum of Parts is their new website so check that out if you want to know more about playing ukulele in an orchestra.

Yes, Ukestra = ukulele orchestra.

Continue reading Ukestrate it

A Valentine’s Day ukulele special

Valentine's Day Special!

What better way to use that groupon / voucherwow / online bargain ukulele that you just bought than to serenade to your loved ones? Sure, you have approximately 12 days left. That’s why I’m offering private sessions for beginners to learn the ukulele in one hour!

This is a crash course to just play that ONE song that you want to play on Valentine’s Day.

This is for:

  • Beginners who have no freaking clue how to play a ukulele at all
  • Those who will practice after the session because even if one session can teach you  the basics, you’ll still need practice to be good
  • Those who are too busy to go to classes in music school

Continue reading A Valentine’s Day ukulele special

Where to buy a ukulele in Singapore

I get a lot of hits of “where to get cheap ukulele in Singapore” or “where to buy ukuleles in Singapore” because of my Buying a Ukulele in Singapore post so I’ve decided to list down my choice of stores.

If you don’t see the store you bought from, it’s probably because I haven’t been there before or that I don’t think the price was worth the ukulele. Feel free to comment below the brands that the store has if you’ve been to one that is good. Click their names to get to their website!

Note: You have to ask the shop themselves about the price of their ukuleles. I merely look-see-ed at them and noted that the price was value for money for the type of ukulele or brand they sell. Plus, they might have sales or discount during the time you decide to visit any of the stores.

EDIT: HOW TO TEST A UKULELE since some of you are newbies and have no visual guide how to check your purchase.

My first choice:

Ukulele Movement 66 Kampong Bugis, Level 5, Kallang Rivergreen Building, Singapore 338987 Tel: +65 6299 0580 (CURRENTLY at: 809, French Road, #02-41, Kitchener Complex, Singapore 200809
It’s at a building with a lady with a moustache painted near the top. Take the lift to get into the shop. This is the best ukulele shop in Singapore because it’s THE ukulele shop that brought it all in at first. Edit: Closest MRT station is Lavendar and then it’s just a walk from there. EDIT 2 (17 Sep): The shop is still open but has moved, check their website for current location.

Makala, Kala, Anueanue etc. The brands in this store are all well recognized for their craftsmanship. If you’re not buying your ukulele here, they still have accessories like ukulele straps, music books and dvds. Compared to Yamaha, their books and dvd range is more extensive since it’s specifically for the ukulele.

Oh and your purchase of a ukulele usually comes with a padded gig bag compared to others who might not. (Unless you buy the super cheap budget ukulele, those come with their own bag.) Concerts, tenors and even bass ukulele available here.

Continue reading Where to buy a ukulele in Singapore

Buying a ukulele in Singapore

This is all you need to know about buying a ukulele in Singapore! Ok, not really all but just enough for you before you buy one! If you’ve read previous posts or adventures, you know I play the ukulele and stuff and since a lot of people have asked me about it. This is what you should know before buying a ukulele!

  • A ukulele is not a guitar

This might sound stupid but yes. Before you buy that ukulele, you need to know it’s not a guitar. It comes with four strings. The tuning is GCEA. The first string when you strum downwards will sound high then it goes low, higher and highest once more. Yes, it is supposed to sound that way. If you want it to sound “guitarish” or more mellow, you can change your G string to a low G string. It’s actually called that, ask for a ukulele low G string.

Continue reading Buying a ukulele in Singapore