Mentor Access Project applications (update with forms!)

Hey remember my post about the MAP earlier on and that you had to email to ask for the latest application form? I emailed and since I’m sure it might get spammy or anything to them, I’ve decided to upload it so you guys can have it too.

Oddly, I can’t find the announcement of MAP on the NAC site. I got the first info via my sgarts email so it was posted by someone who had the “official” statement and all. How weird. I must have missed the webpage or something.

Oh yeah, since I was interested in plays, I asked to clarify regarding the “one play” in their requirements for the people to peruse. Apparently it can be any length as long as it shows how you write and all. So a ten minute or a sixty minute one etc is pretty fine. Of course, any further questions just email them at .

Meanwhile the summarized info:

Continue reading Mentor Access Project applications (update with forms!)


I want to change the layout of this blog but oh man, nothing appeals to me. I probably will mess around with the header a least somehow.

Also, I don’t know if you noticed but… ads! Or rather, just one. I added nuffnang just in case cause you know, every little bit counts! They won’t be too distracting, I hope. Plus, they’re not so annoying. So yeaaah, that’s it really. So look below, the nuffnang sign? It should appear on some posts and all or at the sidebar.

Art of Voice at Fly Academy


So I finished my Art of Voice class at Fly Academy by Paul Carr! It was rather fun but then I always liked courses like these.

You can actually check out what other courses they have at Fly Academy. I took their acting class before too… Heh, heh. In any case, the flyer for the Art of Voice Class says this:

Lesson 1
Getting to really know your voice
Lesson 2
Using your voice to sell, suggest, seduce and satisfy.
Lesson 3
Working with scripts/proposals/speeches
Lesson 4
Performing with your voice: Theatre, Business, News and Advertising

I always wanted to be a Voice Over for an anime or cartoon or whatever and this little course DID actually help. Heh, maybe one day I can be one… If there were actually more animes or cartoons here. It’s a rather short workshop course but VERY effective.

If you don’t want to go through Fly, you can also go through Paul Carr’s Consultancy and pay mucho moolahs for a more personalized one to one coaching or whatever else for your company or organization. This is not just for VOs, it’s for people who want to improve their speech for presentations or work and such too.


I should go ask how much is his cd cause he said a different price from his website, hmmmmmm!

In any case, hur hur. Once I get my book from my friend, I will record something for you guys to hear… Since the book is romance trashy and much amusement will be had!

Tisch Asia Open House!

On the 20th of March 2008, Tisch Asia had its first ever open house for prospective students.

Naturally, I went there because Tisch, oh TIIIIIIIIIISCH, I wantsss you… I’m swayed by either the Dramatic Writing or Film Production master degree but then I’m not rich girl… So… le sigh.

Nonetheless, it doesn’t hurt to just at least go to the open house and bask in it if I’m unable to do the degree in the future..


Firstly, I knew where the school was since I had worked at the location before the school moved… It’s technically a place where schools move into before their buildings are done at whatever location it is. Anywho… I went with a few friends and even though I DID know the location, finding the school is like an Amazing Race.


That’s the view when you turn back from the road… the main school is pretty deep inside… And after trudging up a hill and passing by a park, we finally get to see the school!

Tisch sign

Or at least the sign. Trust me, there’s still a LOT of walking to do. After handing our particulars to the nice security guard, we walked… UP again, towards the school.

Tisch School

Coincidentally, the path seemed a bit dejavu-ish to me. I actually had a dream where there was a path like that before and a building, only it didn’t have the painted words on it anyway.

open house sign

The newspapers had previously written about Tisch Asia being very discreet… I didn’t know how discreet until I went there that day. The signs weren’t even that big on the open house and those who were REALLY interested in Tisch got to know about it. It’s like… “If you want it, you must seek for the mystical source of blablabla!”.

We got a tour of the school and it is seriously awesome.

Tisch stage 1

It seems like this might definitely be the permanent location as the stages are being built along with the sets.

Tisch kitchen

The had a green screen room too and various screening rooms and stuff. And ooh! OOH!

Tisch sandbag

SANDBAGS!!! I mean, yeah sure, I’ve seen sandbags and used them before in productions and all but LE FREAKING GASP. These were so cute and they were NYU LABELLED ON THEM. You can never mistake a common sandbag for a sandbag of Tisch now.

Tisch corridors

As it is still under construction, the place looks pretty spartan for now. Nonetheless, the walls are decorated with movie posters, some autographed, some not but all of them are movies done by the alumni of the school.

Anywho, the whole tour was informative and it makes me want to take their courses and stuff. At the moment, it looks like I can afford the summer courses at the very least. Okay… not really, I can only afford it next year or something since my monies are going to my studies for my bachelor at the moment.

Check out their summer courses if you can’t afford the degree or don’t have the time to take it! Only, you know… We don’t have summer since it’s summer all year round here. The courses are during May till August for those who don’t know when “summer” is.

Fun fact, FILM STOCK and PROCESSING is free when you do so!!!! Email them for more info or anything like that, I’m sure they’d be willing to answer about the courses.

And if you guys are lucky enough to be qualified under the media schemes by the Media Development Authority, try and check them out as you apply for the courses. You might get reimbursed or have your fees cut in half.

If you’re interested in film making and screen writing, this is definitely the place for you.

Tisch road night

Just don’t be afraid of the dark… It can get creepy then.

Creative Lighting Workshop at SMA!

 visitor pass

Okay, on the 26th till the 29th of February, I had a creative lighting workshop at the Singapore Media Academy and it was so freaking cool.


In any case, the course was only $500 but it was totally worth it. That is if you are interested in lighting. The instructors for this course was Don Bachmeier (he’s from Lowel and here are some stuff he teaches) and Brett Smith.

If you ever wanted to learn lighting, this is the course to go. I used to learn lighting in my polytechnic but I found it boring and had nothing to do with lighting since then (I let the crew focus on the lighting while I did my own things anyway since I wasn’t part of the lighting team usually). It was until I got into this course that I got enthusiastic cause it is that good.

green screen

So if you ever wondered to enroll in it whenever you see it popping up under the SMA website, you can be sure it is THAT cool. You get to learn a lot of techniques and the instructors will help you if you have some scenarios or problems with some lighting things you’re doing at work or school or wherever.

light demo

It SO made me like lighting more than I did back then in school and now I’m totally into wanting to do my own so I can improve the feelings and mood of my pictures and videos!!! I know now how to make them look like what I want now instead of just using photoshop or whatever to improve them.

bunch of lights

Plus, you get to play with expensive lights, diffusers, gels, etc!! Including High Definition cameras (le gasp!!!). In any case, you are supposed to do some stuff in the last two days of the workshop so you can be “qualified” and get your certificates, heh heh.


Yeah, that’s mine, hur hur. I made the model hold the lamp like that and adjusted the lighting so she would look menacing. I hope the organizers will send us the dvd of our stuff soon! Cause they look SO good in HD.

School is gonna staaart!

While the website isn’t really completed, it’s technically 70% completed since I haven’t done a new showreel yet… Anyway, I figure why not just get on with the show on the blog side?

After all, this side is pretty much complete and you can read what I’m up to yet.

At the moment I’m about to start a part-time course for the Bachelor of Media Arts. Hopefully, I can get very very good grades for this.

Right! Besides uni things, I’ll be talking about LOCAL books. Or rather, some of them that aren’t your usual “Boohoo, agony, agony. I’ma giiiiiiiirl and you sold me” stuff.

I’m gonna try hunt down amusing/fantasy/romance stories published or written locally. If you’ve suggestions of anything, feel free to comment me.

The upcoming book I’ll review on would be a Korean Vampire story with a teenage Singaporean Vampire hunter… Yeaaah, I know but it seems to have a lovely potential about it.

Besides local books, it might have local writing events or perhaps competitions to publicize etc. Anything to do with writing and stories really.

So, let’s do this thing!