Being Fictional

Golden Shoe Complex

Last Saturday’s Nanowrimo write-in was at Golden Shoe complex. BECAUSE IT WAS DEEPAVALI AND THE SHOPS WERE CLOSED.


But it was one of the most effective write-ins ever because:

a) No food or distractions

b) You had limited battery

c) No internet (unless you plugged in your own)

The coming Saturday’s write-in should be at the usual place though so I don’t know if productivity will be as much as when we had nothing, heh heh.

Continue reading Being Fictional

For the horde

Down along Orchard road.

3 August was friendship day and Hasbro Singapore decided to make it magical with My Little Pony because… Friendship is MAGIC! Yes, I do follow the series.

Even my brothers.

Yes, shut up.

Anyway, I didn’t know it was going to be a street event like their Star Wars day.

The facebook event details said it started from Ion downwards, I must say a lot of people asked concierge that they wondered what was up. The event was not in Orchard Ion. Ok can. I deduced it didn’t have a booth or something then. The first 1000 people were gonna get some mysterious freebie from them.

Spoiler alert: The freebie was from a new range of neon MLP blind bags that haven’t premiered yet in the stores.

Continue reading For the horde

Cosfest 2013 aka Cosfest XII

Cosfest XII ! Or 2013

And it was Cosfest weekend once more! There’s so many people this year (and less Vocaloids) going about. The programme for Cosfest had karaoke competitions, the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) competition for representatives of Singapore and well performances.

Reika was there as a guest and judge too and she has mucho fans who were lining up to buy her photobooks and yes, her photobooks with various cosplays are very good and gets sold out pretty quick here since she brought them along with her from Japan.

ANYWAY, you’d know the official programme, see photos and videos from this year at the Cosfest website.

I go to Cosfest mostly to meet my friends, and I did!

Continue reading Cosfest 2013 aka Cosfest XII

Bird GO!


The Mythopoeia exhibition by Yoshitaka Amano is held at the Mizuma Gallery. Do check the gallery’s website for opening hours and address. We got there by dropping off at Labrador Park MRT and then just walking up to the Gillman Barracks. There’s a large sign saying where the Barracks are.

Mind you, it’s quite a walk inwards as Mizuma Gallery is held at block 22 and it’s waaaaay on top and towards the inner most compound of the barracks. Just look at the map at the barracks if you don’t know where you are in there.

The exhibition will be held until 14 July 2013 so you still have time for a look-see!

Continue reading Bird GO!

Ukestrate it


Whenever Ukulele Movement sends out their newsletter about workshops, just click ‘buy’ whenever you know it’s the workshop you want because they seats are limited and they get sold out fast! This time it was an ukestration workshop by Mark and Jane! The Sum of Parts is their new website so check that out if you want to know more about playing ukulele in an orchestra.

Yes, Ukestra = ukulele orchestra.

Continue reading Ukestrate it

It’s one big corner

To Lepak!

Did you know lepak is in the Oxford dictionaries? Well, with Labour Day coming (it’s 1st May), maybe you’d want to lepak with everyone else at Hong Lim Park!

From the Stand Up for SG page:

This Labour Day, come and Lepak one corner, at the Speaker’s Corner! : )
We want to remember why we work so hard and find the opposite of worry.
Join us, bring something to share and see what happens next!

Stand Up On May Day – Make Hong Lim Happy! from Big Red Button on Vimeo.

Bouncy castle! Yay! You know what would make this more awesome? A Milo truck. But we can’t have everything. At least, I don’t think there would be one. Still, a picnic!

I’ll bring my own Milo or tea and ukulele. And probably try out some songs and record some videos there or something. It will be fun.

And that’s it for today’s post. Yes, I had adventures during the weekend but I figure, hey you can have your own too by knowing this!

A page an hour for a day of comics

At the sky bridge!

It’s the launch of the 24 Hour Comics exhibition! The first launch of an exhibition in the libraries for it. They’ll be at:

18 March – 2 May, Jurong Regional Library (Skybridge, Level 3)
3 May – 18 June, Sengkang Public Library
19 June – 31 July, Serangoon Public Library

Continue reading A page an hour for a day of comics