Singapore Writers Festival and Other Stuff


It’s been quiet. I’ve actually got a bunch of posts. Such as the NERF 2009 Tournament, The Time Traveler’s Wife movie, The Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition and much more (big fat hint, check the Singapore Writers Festival website to see who are coming down).


Okay, I’ll just do the fastest post without videos included first.

Happiness at the end of the World

THAT! See that? That’s the cover of one of the two books at our Nanowrimo Kick Off party/book launch on the 31st October. The details?

Location: Earshot Cafe, The Arts House

Date and time: 31st October, 2pm-4pm

Dress code: Under Cover

Items to bring: Tupperware (if you wanna bring home cake)

Continue reading Singapore Writers Festival and Other Stuff

Book club presents…

Madeline Lee and Suchen Christine Lim as they discuss Synaesthesia.


Friday, 17 July 2009

7pm at The Arts House (1 Old Parliament Lane)

For more info email or to register too.

Short info of the speakers/readers:

MADELEINE LEE, 46, has been an investment manager for 23 years. She has 4 books of poetry, all published by First Fruits Publications: “a single headlamp” (2003) and “fifty three/zero three” (2004), the latter launched with a performed read directed by Krishen Jit. “y grec” is her third book, co-written with Eleanor Wong. Her fourth book “synaesthesia” was published in November 2008. She is currently working on a translation of poetry collection into Chinese.

SUCHEN CHRISTINE LIM is the inaugural recipient of the Singapore Literature Prize for her novel, Fistful of Colours.  Her fourth novel, A Bit of Earth, and a collection of short stories, The Lies That Build A Marriage, were short listed for the same prize. A co-authored play and a children’s book had also received prizes.

If you guys didn’t remember, they read at Polymath & Crust the other time. This event however is brought to you by the Book Council, The Arts House and National Arts Council!


Singapore Writers Festival is LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! Check this page out to know more on how to get into it. I’m not volunteering since it’s rather difficult to do so when some of us are already part of it. If you have some free time, do it! It’s a good opportunity to get close to invited writers!

In the previous one, I got my friend who owns a comic store to contact them and he brought around Gail Simone and Kurt Busiek around Singapore, LIKE GASP!!!!!!!!!

Actually, I think it’ll be a horrid, horrid idea if I ever were to volunteer since I’d go “OMG GAAAAAASP, IT IS YOUUUUUUU. I LIKESSS YOUR WRITINGS, I DO!” etc etc. So no, I’m sure everyone else will be much calmer and proper.

Do help out or spread the message to your friends if they’re interested!

TGX 09 (aka The Games Xpo)


This is a random courtesy lion. This time he’s wearing a mask to prevent H1N1. That’s nice of him. Oh for non-locals, he’s kinda like the mascot to be uh, courteous and all.

But let’s get back to business!

TGX 09 is The Games Xpo! I have no idea why they spelled expo as Xpo but whatever. It’s “cool” to do so, I guess.


This isn’t the TGX but it’s just an amusing ad at The Strip in Suntec, some waxing place. It was on the way to the convention halls there anyway. But yeah, Suntec. I was there to see more of the cosplaying segments and this was on the 4th of July. That was day one and day two was more of the championships. I didn’t go for that one.

Continue reading TGX 09 (aka The Games Xpo)

Sims 3 launch!

It was yesterday on the 2nd June at the Iluma in Bugis (Singapore, if you’re not local reading this). And oh man was it insane. The invite said 2pm but it launched at 1pm since I think there were too many people and we were all gonna block the mall’s entrance or something if we waited another hour.

I arrived there at 11.30am.


This is the view from the top when people are moving.

Continue reading Sims 3 launch!

HSWG update! AND info on submitting work, finding literary agents and a writer’s seminar (ALL FREE!)


First meeting shall be at Geek Terminal, 2pm on the 17th. You can come earlier if you want… We’ll be editing/blablaing about our WIP novels that we wrote during Nanowrimo 08 to scrub it up into publishable form.

Oh man, is my topic title long but the info on submitting work your work and getting a literary agent AND the young writers’ seminar is under the “more” cut! Got the info from Rozen who got it from NAC, I think.


Italics in this font are just MY comments by the way, hur hur.

Continue reading HSWG update! AND info on submitting work, finding literary agents and a writer’s seminar (ALL FREE!)


I found this in my email one second after posting in my (more insane and personal) blog.

I don’t mind people reading that other blog (if you are actually actively searching for who knows what!) but it’s rated MORE insane and with a warning that one shouldn’t ever read it while drinking anything for it might make you laugh insanely or something. Heck, I’m BARELY restraining on this so called “serious” but not really serious blog.

meg t-shirt

YES!!! YESSSSSSS!!! You guys should know where I’ll be today at 6pm in any case.

Ps. I guess I should upload my other review on another book I have before this becomes a Meg Cabot fan blog or something.