It’s one big corner

To Lepak!

Did you know lepak is in the Oxford dictionaries? Well, with Labour Day coming (it’s 1st May), maybe you’d want to lepak with everyone else at Hong Lim Park!

From the Stand Up for SG page:

This Labour Day, come and Lepak one corner, at the Speaker’s Corner! : )
We want to remember why we work so hard and find the opposite of worry.
Join us, bring something to share and see what happens next!

Stand Up On May Day – Make Hong Lim Happy! from Big Red Button on Vimeo.

Bouncy castle! Yay! You know what would make this more awesome? A Milo truck. But we can’t have everything. At least, I don’t think there would be one. Still, a picnic!

I’ll bring my own Milo or tea and ukulele. And probably try out some songs and record some videos there or something. It will be fun.

And that’s it for today’s post. Yes, I had adventures during the weekend but I figure, hey you can have your own too by knowing this!

Get up and go… to a McD’s

Food blogging!

THIS is a semi advertorial food blogging post. Because I got to try McDonald’s new breakfast items via the people. Semi advertorial because I wanted to try it in the first place but then since I got the chance to be invited, OOH OK-LOR!

Ok. Those are lunch items, except for the coffee cup.

Continue reading Get up and go… to a McD’s

Bein’ Green

Matcha cream latte and azuki latte

I wanted to go to a Font exhibition (yes, I know, it sounds super arty and stuff like that) but it was closed. Instead, have a post about Nana’s Green Tea because we went to the shop TWICE in one day at Plaza Singapura. (Click this link for the Singapore branch.)

That’s Jo‘s BMO in between the matcha cream latte  and azuki latte.

Continue reading Bein’ Green



Technically we went to Beanstro on that 19th Jan after we went to the SG Handmade Movement. The branch we went to was the one at Ngee Ann City, the one with Takashimaya. Mind you, this is our experience with Beanstro for that day and it was awesome.

A few notes, Beanstro is the fancier version of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. It’s got more food than their regular cafes. From the moment at this post, we only know that there’s one at Marina Bay Sands and just this one at Ngee Ann City. That’s it.

Also,  wanted to put in the whole menu of Beanstro in this post but decided it was too much so heck that. You’ll get the price range idea with what we ordered cause we ordered quite a bit anyway!

Click to enlarge pictures as always.

Now, let’s get to it.

Continue reading Beanstro!

Sarah Does… COMIC FIESTA 2012!

This time the Adventure Crew wasn’t in Singapore. We had a trip to Kuala Lumpur for Comic Fiesta last weekend on 22 and 23 Dec! Technically we set off on 21st with Aeroline. It’s really fancy since they do have ‘in flight’ food (their tagline is: The Convenient Way to Fly).

It’s about a 5 hour bus ride and it was really that good. They even had in flight entertainment and ooh, I got hot chocolate too besides our meal.

Continue reading Sarah Does… COMIC FIESTA 2012!