Finally you can vote for the teams of N.E.mation! There was an urban picnic at the national library’s plaza while all the teams were there to showcase their videos.
You can vote for them by going to the N.E.mation website!
There’s FOUR ways to vote, via the website, by mobile web, sms and the facebook app. More details on the nemation.sg webby. With each entry you can vote for 3 teams.
VOTE FOR C05 aka Momento Mori because it is super punny and Chua Enlai is the voice over!
VOTE FOR C08 aka The 4 of Us II because they tell about the unsung heroes in their video!
And then you pick your own for the last one, hahahaha. I can’t tell you which because they’re all good but these are my two choice teams and they’re my teams!

At The 4 of Us II’s booth, you’d get a clip to support them! Watch their video clip and get a clip, GET IT? HEH HEH.

At Momento Mori, well… I don’t think they were handing out bananas to people. They did however have small flyers to pass out.

Click to enlarge the pictures as always. It was a picnic and so once people voted there, they’d get a goodie bag. I like how there’s Milo in mine along with the other toys.

Soon the groups got to talk to the DJs of Power 98 since they were also the emcees for the event. Momento Mori did a little intro about themselves and then their clip was shown. Dr Jia Jia and his brother was there too.

Since Momento Mori was one of the first five, there was a little interval after their group and The All-Nighters played a few songs.

Then it was the round with The 4 of Us II! Heh, their uniforms sort of match Dr Jia Jia and his brother’s clothes.

Also, if you were there, you could have gotten free instagram prints via Instaprint!

So cool right? I just had to instagram and use the hashtag for that day and get it printed at the booth and collect it.
ANYWAY, go VOTE. Please vote for C05 and C08 in your choice of 3 teams.